Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Mail on Sunday!

The Mail on Sunday had a piece on page 2 about Nieve and Kieth's wedding. Pity they didn't mention the photographer. Oh well, can't win em all. It was a very nice piece and glad to see it in there. Their photographer kept stealing all my set-ups and used an image similar to this one. Boy was it cold when shooting this, my fingers were numb!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Very excited about the Carlow Nationalist doing a piece on the wedding in Tullow, looking forward to reading the piece and they are using on of my images. Look out Nieve and Kieth!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Well what a day it was yesterday. Had a great time in Myshall and Mnt Wolseley, a litte cold at -17.5deg but a lot of fun. Some images to follow shortly soon. It was a real winter wonderland setting. Thanks Nieve and Kieth!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Looking forward to my first wedding of 2010 this Friday up in the Mountains behind Bunclody! A good bit of snow has fallen and some roads are impassable. Lets hope I can get out of my house for a start. Forecast for Friday is good so hopefully I can get there. I'm very excited, see you guys soon!